Products & Services

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Beasley Balance

Beasley Balance For warp & weft count from a fabric-with 2nos. Riders & a template.

The count of yarn is defined as a number indicating its weightage.  In direct system, the count is the weight of a unit length of yarn for example - “TEX” is number of grams in one kilometer length of yarn, “DENINER” is number of grams in 9000 meters of Yarn. In INDIRECT System, the count is the number of units of fixed length of yarn which makes a fixed weight for example “COTTON” is number of hanks of yarn in a pound. “METRIC” is number of kilometers of yarn in one Kilogram.

Irrespective of the system of count, two basic requirements for determining count are :

An accurate determination of sample length ; and
An accurate determination of its weight.

The method of determination of count depends to a large extent on the form in which the yarn is available for testing. When a yarn is in the form of a Bobbin, a known sample length can be taken by forming a skein on a WRAP REEL and suspending it on the hook of “QUADRANT BALANCE”.  The count is then read directly from the Quadrant Scale.  When warp and weft count of yarn, taken from a small piece of fabric is required, it is cut into small lengths with a template and the total number of yarn lengths which are required to balance a standard weight on the beam directly gives the count of the yarn.  This measurement is carried out with the help of a Beasley Balance.

The ‘VGOTECH’ Beasley Balance consists of a light weight beam pivoted on jewel bearings with a hook at one end and a pointer at the other.  The beam is initially leveled to bring the pointer against a Datum line.  A standard weight is suspended in a notch on the beam arm on the pointer side.  A template is used to cut short lengths of yarn, the length depending upon the count system required.  These length are placed on the hook until the pointer comes against the Datum line.  The number of short lengths required to balance the beam gives the count of the yarn.

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Bundasmann Tester (Water Repellancy Tester)


Its used to determination of water repellency, resistance to wetting & resistance to penetration of fabric.

Determination of water repellency, resistance to wetting (in term of water absorb) and resistance to penetration (in term of water penetrated) of fabric done by an instrument known as Bundasmann type apparatus.

The Vgotech Bundasmann type apparatus made of four specimen holders which holds four specimens of the fabrics under test, the specimen holders are rotate at the fixed RMP by means of an worm reduction gear box and an electric motor.  The four specimen holders are mounted on the assembly so that the specimens are tilted at specified angle to the horizontal.  Each sample holder are provided with four wiper arms fixed at right angle to each other and rotating about the axis of the cup.  There are two tanks one at the bottom where the sample holder assembly is fixed and the other is fitted at the top of the instrument, where the brass jets are fitted,

The water flow from the lower tank to the upper tank by means of a centrifugal pump.  There are gate valve for drain the water from the lower tank.  The filter is provided on the pipeline of the pump.  There is a tube, which indicate the level of the water in the upper tank.  The transparent glass is mounted on the window for the transparency of the sample in testing while the window is closed.

All parts, which are in contact with the water, are made of stainless steel aluminum and brass for corrosion resistance.  The instrument is painted in metallic paints and black powder coating for corrosion resistance.

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Bursting Strength Tester

BURSTING STRENGTH TESTER – Bursting Strength Tester is used to check the bursting strength of fabrics, sheet, papers, etc. 
Bursting strength tester of any material such as fabric, leather, paper, paper board & corrugated box etc. Its strength under multi- directional force and is defined, as the hydrostatic pressure required producing rapture of the material when pressure is applied at a controlled increasing rate through a rubber diaphragm.

The VGOTECH Bursting Strength Tester Suppliers is designed to find bursting strength tester suppliers of fabric/ leather/ paper/paper board & corrugated box. A test specimen is held between two annular clamps under sufficient pressure to minimize slippage.The clamping is done by hand wheel/screw arrangement or by pneumatic pressure with pressure gauge, solenoid valve and pressure regulator as per model. The upper clamping surface which is in contact with the test specimens has a continuous spiral grooves. A circular diaphragm of pure gum rubber is clamped between the lower clamping plate & pressure cylinder so that before the diaphragm is stretched by pressure underneath it the center of its upper surface is below the plane of the clamping surface.

The Bursting Strength Tester equipment is fitted with a motor driven screw mechanism, which increases fluid displacement on the lower side of the diaphragm at a specified rate. The Bursting Strength Tester equipment is fitted with an arrangement, which automatically brings down the pressure and stops the motor on completion of the test cycle. A maximum reading type pressure gauge (or pressure sensor and digital indicator with peak hold and tare facility in digital model) gives the bursting pressure.

The Bursting Strength Tester equipment is raggedly designed to give a long & trouble free life. The components are brighter chrome plated or painted in metallic paint to give the tester an aesthetic appearance.


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Button Snap Pull Tester

BUTTON SNAP PULL TESTER is used to test Snap Strength of Buttons, Rivets & joints to ensure that it meets design tolerance and safety levels, particularly in baby clothing. 
The Button Snap Pull Tester Suppliers equipment comprises of IMADA Push-Pull force gauge of 20 kgf. Vertical stand to hold the gauge with arrangement to change the position of Gauge.  Base which houses the frame to grip the attachment, Button Pull Fixture – Connected with force gauge. 
Suitable to grip buttons from 5mm to 25mm. , The needle in the gauge stops at the breaking load.
Button Snap Pull Tester Suppliers is confirmed with the standards and comes under warranty. All this help provide customer satisfaction that promotes long term customer relationship which is our ultimate objective at VGOTECH INDIA. 

Beasley Balance * Bundasmann Tester (Water Repellancy Tester) * Bursting Strength Tester * Button Snap Pull Tester * Calibration Services * Crock Meter * Crock Meter Digital Model * Hthp Beaker Dyeing Machine * Infra Red Beaker Dyeing Machine * Launderometer * Light Fastness Tester * Mbtl Light Fastness Tester * Perspirometer * Products * Sdc Blue Wool * Sublimation Tester * Twist Tester * Washing Fastness Tester * Wrap Reel Testing Machine